Need help with GroupManager :/

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by GeorgeBuilder1998, Jun 25, 2012.

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  1. Just set up a server , and I have installed GroupManager and Essnatials e.t.c . Then I go on my server and do /manpromote <My ign > And it says an internal error occured when performing this command, Wtf. then did a re-install and I still have the same problem :/

    Attached Files:

  2. Anyone???????
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    You bumped 2 minutes after you posted the thread... be patient.

    You most likely don't have the inheritances set up correctly.
    kahlilnc likes this.
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    My suggestion to you is use bPermissions :3
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    Deleted user

    GroupManager? I'm sorry, but I have to disapprove that :).
    I'd suggest either PermissionsEx or bPermissions.
    Mind moving? :).
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  8. I downloaded a pre- configured GroupManager and it still says it :/
  9. Okay guys it works but there isn't a prefix like: [Owner] in front of my name and instead there are just []
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    Get permissionsEX before you become too involved with GroupManager. GroupManager is really broken and has stopped development and I had all of my permissions nodes on groupmanager and then I had to copy all of them to permissionsEX.
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