WorldGuard help - Region inside another Region

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by WoWHazzard, Jun 23, 2012.

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    Hey, so as the title suggests, I have a region inside a region. (Refer to the image below)

    Now, I have regioned Spawn (1). No one can build inside Spawn (1) , and no mobs can spawn there, and it also has a priority of value 1;

    I also have regioned the Arena (2) and Jail (3). Building is allowed in the Arena (2) as I have set the flags to Build: Allow. Building in Jail (3) is not allowed, as I have set the flags to Build: 'Deny'. The Arena (2) has a priority of 100, and Jail (3) has a priority of 10.

    Now, here is the problem:

    No one can build in the Arena. The Arena's (2) priority is higher than Spawn's (1) priority, and it should override. Apparently not. Upon further troubleshooting, when I set Build: 'Allow' for Spawn (1) , magically building is allowed in the Arena (2), even though Build: 'Allow' is already set for the Arena (2). So, the Arena's (2) Flags is conflicting with Spawn's (1) flags. The weird part is, the Arena (2) has a higher priority. Now, if you're gonna ask me whether I had set Parent/Child, I'm gonna say Yes. I did. It did completely nothing, even with Arena's (1) priorities higher. So, I did more troubleshooting. If the flags don't work for the Arena (2), it shouldn't work also for the Jail (3) right? WRONG!

    The Jail (3) works fine. Players are not allowed to build because of the Build: 'Deny'. But, when I change Build: 'Deny' to Build: 'Allow', players can build in jail fine. When I switch it back to 'deny', they can't build (as desired). Jail has higher priorities than Spawn. So what is the Problem?? Jail works fine, it dosen't conflict with Spawn however, the Arena (3) does. The Arena (2) has priority on 100, the Jail (3) has it on 10, and Spawn (1) has it on 1. What's even worse is that Jail has no Parents/Child set, and it works fine!

    Please help me, I've been cracking my brain on this for 3 days now. Nothing.


    Bump... This is an urgent matter.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  2. Offline


    You need to be careful with WorldGuard, it's dangerous, you need to delete the regions and reset them, trying not to overlap them. SPOILER It's annoying and fustrating process
  3. Offline


    Yup, I did. I redefined them first. It didn't work. Then I removed them, and started over. The problem still exists. It can never go away :O
  4. Offline


    Lolz, Try and find a YouTube Vid about it LOL
  5. Offline


    Argh... :mad:
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  7. Offline


    Okay.... Something weird but magical happened. Switched Arena priority to 99999999, and it worked. Great. Close this post please. Wow, I'm so happy.
    XxWolfTorrentxX likes this.
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    Yes, using "/rg setpriority <region> <number above 0>" will work in most cases when you have overlapping regions like this.
    rudolf323 and Bo98 like this.
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