Force Spawn in Specific Location

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by LRFLEW, Jun 13, 2012.

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    I'm currently working on a chunk generator that produces a very broken-up world, and the area I can safely spawn someone is exactly one block big (and is under another block). When you first spawn, the player usually starts somewhere around the point I want to spawn at (which leads them to fall strait into the void) (they usually spawn right over the void). When they respawn, they go exactly where they should, but I'm wondering if there's a way to prevent the first fall. I understand it has something to do with the "spawn radius," but how do I change it (either in the code or as a server setting, but preferably in the code)?

  2. Offline


    teleport them to the location on player join.
  3. Offline


    wouldn't that teleport them EVERY time they joined the game? What about just first join?
  4. Offline


    yknow, you could always just change the maps spawn location.
  5. Offline


    that's what I'm doing when I define getFixedSpawnLocation(). When I respawn, it puts me right where I need to be, but first time spawning puts you near it :(
  6. Offline


    if you change the worlds spawn location with world.setSpawnLocation(loc.getX(),loc.getY(),loc.getZ()) it will spawn the player there whenever they join for the first time, respawn, etc.
  7. Offline


    It appears to spawn them NEAR that point on the first spawn (I tried it, it didn't work). Any other ideas?
  8. Offline


    When a player joins use the player.getFirstPlayed() and compare that value to the current date, if it is his/her first visit, teleport the player to a predefined location else, do nothing. :)
  9. Offline


    I wonder if hasPlayedBefore() returns false in onPlayerJoin vs onPlayerLogin... would be interesting to test
  10. Offline


    Oh i must of missed that method :)
  11. Offline


    Well, Mr. Monsieur; I believe that hasPlayedBefore() simply checks for a player file in the map; therefor not working with multiworld/MultiInv. Not positive; just something for OP to keep in mind.
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