[Req] [Formatted] AntiWorldDownload

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by johano1rct, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Plugin category: Anti-Griefing tools / Admin tools / Miscellaneous

    Suggested name: AntiWorldDownload

    A bit about me: I'm a co-owner on a themepark server, which has an epic map. Our map has been stolen earlier today with the worlddownload mod. We don't want this happen again, So that's why I'm requesting an anti world download plugin, If it is possible.

    What I want: I'd like to have a plugin that stops people using the worlddownload mod. When they click ''download world'', Nothing downloads.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin, You put it in plugins and that's it.

    Ideas for permissions: Not really needed, No-one can download the world. That's all.

    When I'd like it by: What i've already told in A bit about me, Earlier today.

    Similar plugin requests: I didnt see an other antiworlddownload plugin request.
  2. Offline


    I've never heard of this? What exactly does it do?

    I looked for it on google, and I couldn't find anything; I didn't have specific enough keywords.

    Does it allow the user to hop on a server, download the map, and then use it? Could you give me a link to an info page or something?

    (Sorry, I'm not a developer, just curious. :) )
  3. Offline


    How would you like it to work?

    Could just send them (for example) lava at the top 10 layers of the map or something.
  4. Here it is:

    When you join a server and press [Esc], There is a new option: Download world. When you click that, it downloads the chunk you are in. So you have to walk trough all the chunk of a world to download everything.

    When they click ''Download world'', Nothing downloads.
    Or, You can set a point with a command, (Ex; /awd setpoint ), And it will send the people that click ''download world'' to that point.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  5. Offline


    Just from looking at the plugin, I don't think running a command when they try to download is possible. It's a client mod, and I doubt it tells the server that it's downloading the world.
  6. You can acces the source-code on github, Maybe some of the plugin-devs can do something with it?
  7. Offline


    Maybe. At least they can analyze the source and see how it works. By "plugin-devs doing something with it", you mean analyzing, right? Even if they edit it, it won't matter. unless the mod is re-released by the original mod developer to include this new code, which I doubt:

    "How can I block this mod on my server?
    There is no magic chat text sequence that disables the mod and there won't be one in the future.
    Be creative. Maybe you will find a different way to block the mod or destroy the downloaded worlds.
    I won't add anything to my code that helps you in this regard.
    Why? Partly because I hate DRM, partly because a kill switch is very easy to remove but mostly because I don't care what people do with my mod. You are responsible for what you do. Break the rules -> live with the consequences."

    He doesn't seem very into blocking it at all.

    I think this definitely needs to be blocked. I've never heard of it before... But I have now, and I don't like it one bit. Besides the fact that they can literally steal everything you've ever built, they can access blocked areas and secret projects.

    I have no clue how anyone would block it. I'll be doing some testing to see how it works. :)
    johano1rct likes this.
  8. Thank, I hope you can do something against it!
  9. Offline


    Hehe... I'm not a plugin developer (yet). :p >.<

    I still like to do testing to find out how everything works. I at least try to have some valuable input for other plugin developers. :p
  10. Offline


    I can tell you how it works without looking at the source code - packet data is incredibly easy to get
  11. Offline


    Fine then, Mr. "I know packet data so well"! :p

    I still want to know how it works... Like where it's saved and all that. :D
  12. Offline


    When you enter a world on a MC server, the server sends you the map, so you can see it and walk around in it. Now, instead of just loading the map into memory, the mod downloads the mod to your hard-disk, so you can open it in SP-mode.
  13. Offline


    Ok, makes sense.

    How would a plugin counter this? If it's loading the map and downloading an exact copy... It will download an exact copy.
  14. Offline


    The server sends you the chunk. The downloader saves the chunk while displaying it to the client. The downloader just pieces that together (or at least thats how I would do it). Sorry but when the player downloads the map to play on it. Its just a simple as saving that to a file. I'm with codename_B and jorisk322 on this.
  15. Offline


    You could make the plugin place tnt in the air, that should blow on an unmodded server. The mod would keep it from blowing up, but the downloaded map wouldn't have that, thus blowing up the map. Problem is that you can use easy tools to remove TNT etc.
  16. Offline


    Ah... I see what you did there.. Worldedit 10000 by 10000 blocks at a depth and just deny ignition. Bad day for the client.
  17. Offline


    How would that affect playing on the server though? Sure, the TNT wouldn't ignite, but it would still be there, right?
  18. Offline


    After they download the map... the ignition is stagnate. but when the map is loaded up it just automatically sets it off considering there is no plugin to keep it from igniting
  19. Offline


    Ah sorry, I was unclear. I meant how would it affect users WHILE they were on the server, would they be mining or building when they come across a layer of TNT?
  20. Offline


    Well orefuscator turns all non visible blocks to random ores so you could use that so if they download world then it would be screwed when they go mining.
  21. Offline


    Get a custom orebusfscator that turns all non-visible blocks to tnt! :D
    randomer679 likes this.
  22. Offline


    That just sounds disgusting. :D
  23. Offline


    What is the name of your server? (IP)
    I will get working on it even though it might be hard to block the partial GUI of a player and keep the GUI of other players running. I'll think of a way... that is my business!
  24. Offline


    Is anyone else working on something with the TNT? If not I'll get going on one.

    Hmm, well, I tried casing the bottom of the map with primed TNT then replacing it as it explodes removing the old one, but the client lag makes it a bad solution.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  25. Offline


    Are there any other ideas on the table than coating the map with TNT? I'd rather not do that...
  26. Offline


    I wanna see the theme park! Sounds cool!. But ya if you get a custom version of orebusfscator that not only edits underground but maybe above ground with a set block so maybe TNT like people said above or bedrock something that will mess up the download as i tried coding something earlier(Im just learning to code so ya...) But when i downloaded my world with orebusfscator it actually kept the underground ores so it would look as if on server. So if someone can code it it will most likely work cause when i copied the chunk on my server then went into single player the chunk was still there with all the random ores like orebusfscator when using X-ray but you are able to mine it in single player
  27. Offline


    There is NO WAY to block the client from downloading the map that they are playing on. If you have a layout of lava or TNT, the client who is downloading the map can simply remove it with an editing tool (such as MCEdit).

    Server owners are going to have to put up with clients downloading their map since it's 'unblockable' .
  28. Offline


    There is a way. They aren't suggesting that we put tnt in the skyline to nuke the map. They are suggesting that we replace everything the client can't directly see with TNT (or any other block, it would still ruin the map).
    bobacadodl likes this.
  29. Offline


    Problem is, even if a plugin were created to block this they would just rewrite their code to counter it. :( This is a bad day for us. We have mazes for prizes and whatnot, now folks can just download the maze and dissect it. If anybody can figure out how to get this done I'll be the first to grab it lol. As it stand though, I think any solution would require the assistance of Mojang :p
  30. Please, read the date before posting, this is a long time ago.. Reported for Necro.

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