Factions, Chat And Chat Channels Help Needed! If Your Good At Configuring Plugins, Come Help!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by PlanetCraft, Jun 10, 2012.

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    FallCraft: New Vegas, needs YOU! I am in need of someone with exceptional knowlage of plugin configuration! I am requesting someone configure the Chat for the server, and a Chat plugin that supports multiple channels such as "ChannelChat".This will all be for the fabulous upcoming huge RP server FallCraft: New Vegas! We are half way complete a 1:1 scale replica of Fallout New Vegas...a popular post apocalyptic game developed by Bethesda! Once complete we are launching as a 24/7 RP server for the best roleplayers in Minecraft! As I stated before, the plugin configuring...Basically the end result I want is for a.....Full Server IC [In-Character] Chat Channel, Full Server OCC [Out Of Character] Chat Channel, Private Faction Chat Channels For Faction Members To Communicate And Timed Messaged In Chat.
    These are the priority's I need each one done:
    1) IC and OCC Full Server Chat Channels.
    2) Private Chat Channels Per Faction And Factions.
    3) Plugin timed messages to appear in chat listing Online Members and server information.
    First up the IC and OCC Full Server Chat Channel.The IC channel will be the default channel.Channels should be easily accessible through simple commands.This will be used for all players not in a Faction as well as Faction members broadcasting messages to the entire server.This should be easily done with a plugin... comment saying if you know a plugin that could do that or saying you know you could do it.

    Second up...Private Chat Channels Per Faction.This should be done by using a plugin which allows members to easily join a faction by Admins putting them in.The chat channels per faction should hide the chat typed from the OCC and IC Channels and should only broadcast to members of sed player's Faction!
    Here are the channel names for each faction;

    Comment saying if you could configure or know a plugin that would do this for me.REMEMBER I need the Factions configured aswell as the private chat rooms per faction!
    Third and last....Plugin Timed Messages.
    This should be pretty straight forward, just comment saying if you know a plugin that could do this.
    This is the server forum recruitment post for any extra information and to apply to become a builder etc.:
    Thanks alot for reading, please help out!
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