FigAdmin mysql

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by niki101296, Jun 4, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    I made the php banlist ,but why it doesnt display anything? ?
    Can someone help me ? No errors ,nothing :(

    Should I upload banlist.txt ? What should I do.Tell me pls :[ !


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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  2. Offline


    Did you ban anyone? If you haven't then your banlist is supposed to be empty I guess.
  3. Offline


    banlist.txt has very much people in it...Should i upload it ?

    And i banned two people...and it is still the same :(

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  4. Offline


    Nope you don't need to. First of all, make sure that it is
    in the config.yml. Then make sure every information in these fields
    are replaced with yours. I think that would solve the problem.
  5. Offline


    That is my balist.php
    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <title>Banned Players of server</title>

    // change these things

    $mysql_host = "";
    $mysql_database = "a3002547_nick";
    $mysql_user = "a3002547_nicks";
    $mysql_password = "********";

    mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password);

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM banlist ORDER BY time DESC");

    echo "<table width=70% border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>";

    echo "<tr style=\"font-weight:bold\">
    <td>Time of ban</td>
    <td>Time of unban</td>

    while($row = mysql_query($result)){

    if($col == "#eeeeee"){
    $col = "#ffffff";
    $col = "#eeeeee";
    echo "<tr bgcolor=$col>";

    echo "<td>".$row['name']."</td>";
    echo "<td>".$row['reason']."</td>";
    echo "<td>".$row['admin']."</td>";
    echo "<td>".date("d M, Y g:ia",$row['time'])."</td>";
    if($row['temptime'] == "0"){
    echo "<td>∞</td>";
    echo "<td>".date("d M, Y g:ia",$row['temptime'])."</td>";

    echo "</tr>";


    Ban database provided by
    <a href="">FigAdmin</a>.
    Thats figadmin config.yml
    mysql: true
    mysql-database: a3002547_nick
    mysql-user: a3002547_nicks
    mysql-password: *******
    mysql-table: banlist
    auto-complete: true
    ip-ban: true
    bans-to-banned-players: false
    auto-ban-on-warnings: -1
    auto-ban-time: 1 day
    banMsgFailed: '&cPlayer &e%victim% &cis already banned!'
    unbanMsg: '&aSuccessfully unbanned player &e%victim%&a!'
    unbanMsgGlobal: '&e%victim% &6was unbanned by &e%player%&6!'
    unbanMsgFailed: '&cFailed to unban &e%victim%&c!'
    kickAllMsg: '%player% kicked everyone. Prichina: %reason%'
    kickDefaultReason: '&eBooted from server!'
    kickGobalDefaultRason: '&eGlobal kick'
    kickMsgVictim: 'You have been kicked by %player%. Prichina: %reason%'
    kickMsgBroadcast: '&e%victim% &6was kicked by &e%player%&6. Reason: &e%reason%'
    kickMsgFailed: '&cKick failed: &6%victim% &cisn''t online.'
    banMsgVictim: '&eYou have been banned by &e%player%&f.&6 Prichina: %reason%'
    banMsgBroadcast: '&e%victim% &6was banned by &e%player%&f.&6 Prichina: &e%reason%'
    banDefaultReason: '&eBan Hammer has Spoken!'
    banOffline: '&eWarning: &8Player &a%player%&8 has not been on this server before.'
    tempbanMsgVictim: 'Vie ste vremenno bannat ot %player%. Prichina: %reason%'
    tempbanMsgBroadcast: '&e%victim% &6was temp. banned by &e%player%&6. Prichina: &e%reason%'
    LoginTempban: '&cYou are banned until &e%time%&c! Prichina: &e%reason%'
    LoginBan: '&cVie ste bannat ot serevra! Prichina: &e%reason%'
    LoginIPBan: '&cThis IP is banned!'
    badPlayerName: '&cBad player name!'
    playerNotOnline: '&cPlayer &e%player% &cis not online.'
    warnMsgBroadcast: '&cPlayer &e%player%&f received a warning from &c%kicker%&f:'
    warnMsgVictim: '&cYou have received a warning from &c%player%&f:'
    reloadMsg: '&aReloaded FigAdmin.'
    exportMsg: '&aExported banlist to banned-players.txt'
    playerBanned: '&cPlayer %player% is banned.'
    playerNotBanned: '&aPlayer %player% is not banned.'
    ipBan: '&eIP banning is'
    noPermission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do this.'
    warnDeleted: '&aAll %number% warnings cleared for player &e%player%&a.'
    warnNone: '&cNo warnings found for player &e%player%&c!'

    But it still shows the headers of the columns :(.The mysql was set to false and i made it true and I changed this:
    mysql: true
    mysql-database: a3002547_nick
    mysql-user: a3002547_nicks
    mysql-password: ***
    But no errors,nothing :(

    Hmm,help ?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  6. Offline


    What is the plugin named?
  7. Offline


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