Inactive [RPG] ThatOtherRPGplugin V5 - An awesome LVL system + MoneySYS [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Liam Allan, Sep 21, 2011.

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    Liam Allan

    it's so simple, it does not even need to save to a file!
    LVL and XP viewing!

    That's not even the main point of it though, I'll let you know a little secret . . .
    /me whispers "It use's the default LVL system built in :D"
    Yes. It does, It loads in what LVL you are and what XP you have! and lets you and
    over players see!

    Gain XP from breaking certain blocks
    Gain XP from placing blocks
    Gain XP by killing mobs and humans
    Gain XP by running (Only a little)
    Gain XP by fishing (Only a little)
    Gain XP by farming (XP is different with different hoes)
    Gain XP by talking (Math: event.getMessage().length() / 5)
    Climb walls!
    Survive under waters With a gold helmet, Requires LVL 25+
    Magic Spells!
    Apple drops
    Climb vines
    Better chance of catching fish the higher LVL you are (Also cooked)
    An extra MoneySYS, info below

    • /stats - View your Stats
    • /stats <player> - View someone else's stats, Full IGN not required!
    • /magic <spell> [extra] - Cast a spell! Info below
    • /shelp - The help command :D
    Magic Spell's:
    "c2" - Convert to. LVL 4-10
    "dura" - Make the item in your hand invincible. LVL 15
    "world" - Play with the world using magic. LVL 10

    Extra for "c2":
    stone, cobble, logs, stonebrick, bread, health (Must be a certain LVL to use some of these!)

    Extra for "world":
    day, thunder

    Wall Climbing:
    Climbing, Requires gold_leggings, allows you to climb stone, cobble, wood(5) & sandstone
    This requires a high LVL! Other wise your can't use it!

    Extra MoneySYS (open)

    Version 1
    (Not required, Does require ToRPGp)
    The money system is an awesome extra feature that allows players to earn money
    by doing jobs or by paying each other.
    Commands (command, permission - Info)
    /dosh , -View how many coins you have
    /pay <player> <x> , - Pay a player X ammount
    /add <player> <X> , - Add money to someones account
    /reset <player> , - Reset someones money to 0
    /jobs [job] , - Apply for a job. Do /jobs for a list of them

    Download here

    To add:
    Broadcast when someone LVL's up
    Permissions. I'm thinking this over!
    Some stuff from here:


    Add wall climbing possibility, Info above!
    Add a /shelp command to see the available commands!
    More (open)

    Fixed stuff up, And made the LVL's to use some
    stuff higher :D Best version out yet! Removed
    when you gain XP through chat . . . :D
    Better chance of catching fish and cooked fish
    You can now gain XP by talking :D
    Add that you can climb vines and apples have a chance
    to drop out tree leaves. The higher level, The more the chance
    The chat now displays what LVL the player is :D
    More ways to gain XP
    Added magic spells! and you gain XP from placing
    block and break certain blocks!
    Release of the plugin :D
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