[REQ] PresidentialAssets

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jjjhhh98, May 20, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Economy

    Suggested name: PresidentialAssets

    A bit about me: I run a medium-sized server, and I am looking to expand my server. :)

    What I want: In my server, we have an elected official, namely the 'president'. However, we felt as though the president wasn't really getting enough authority- I mean, I can't force players to listen to the president. But I realized that money could motivate players to listen to the president! But then, there is no point of a president if he has to use his own money to hire citizens! So I thought that the president should have access to some kind of 'national asset' that he could pay players with, but can't use for himself.

    Also, I thought that there should be a limit to how much the president could pay each player, as the president can take advantage of it, if there is no limit (i.e. POLITICAL CORRUPTION!!!)

    Finally, the asset should have a limit and gradually regenerate to make it seem more realistic, and ensure that the president doesn't spray money.

    Ideas for commands: /presidentpay (player) (amount)
    /setpresident (player) edits the 'presidentname' variable if 'onlineassetregen' variable is set to true.

    Ideas for permissions: presidentialassets.use

    Ideas for config: paylimit= (value) The limit the president can give to each player until the next 'assetregentime'
    assetregenamount= (value) The amount added to the asset every # seconds, as defined in 'assetregentime'
    assetregentime= (time in seconds) How long it takes for the amount defined by the 'assetregenamount' to be added to the asset.
    onlineassetregen= (true/false) Should the president be online for the asset to regenerate?
    presidentname= (name) If onlineassetregen is true, who needs to be online to be

    When I'd like it by:
    As soon as possible :)
    Similar plugin requests:

    Devs who might be interested in this: @TnT @ChrizC @codename_B (yes I tagged myself)

    Anyone? D;

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016

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