permissions are doing my head!!! ARRRGH

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by stryker, May 3, 2012.

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    Maybe I'm being super dense here, but permissions seem way more complicated than they should be....

    On my server I run bukkit and also essentials and the standard permissionsBukkit plugin. Essentials is set to use bukkit permissions and bukkit permissions is pretty much standard, not touched.....

    I want to prevent admins from using op, give, gamemode commands.... sounds simple right? Take gamemode for example, I've found about three different explenations of the node name for this.... as far as I can tell it should be bukkit.command.gamemode. Now I've tried adding every variation of this node to the admins group perms and set to false but no matter what the admins can still use gamemode?!?!?

    Any initial thoughts or pointers anyone?

  2. Offline


    Try these
    Command Book

    PermissionsEX permission set up tools by ashley LINK
  3. Offline


    This is a quick guide for getting a really quick permissions set onto a server in a few steps with little to no effort.

    Look no further
    These step by step instructions have been designed to help you get a basic bPermissions setup running on your server!
    On the main page, click the "Download" button.
    On the next page right click the "Download" button and choose "Save Link as..."
    Save link as bpermissions.jar in your "plugins" folder
    Run your server once to generate the default files.
    Start your server again then type "permissions helpme" into the console and stop the server.
    A default users.yml and groups.yml have been generated for you.
    Edit the files until you are happy with them.
    Copy the edited default files.
    Paste them into your "worldname" folders to replace the empty files there.
    Start your server. You now have a basic permissions setup.
    In-game commands are equally easy to use.
  4. Offline


    =_= don't have to spam it i already said 'bPermissions'
    but nice that you put the info here
  5. Offline


    Is posting a quick guide spamming? My apologies.
    john924xps, Nathan C and Omnitv like this.
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