
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by JonesyBoppa, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: ADMN, GEN, other..

    Suggested name: AutoScheduler

    A bit about me: Im a simple Prison server owner who would love to write this plugin, but I don't know how, maybe someone could teach me? :)

    What I want: I would like a plugin that does a certain command every 30 mins... and it would have a config file of what the command is, and where the command will be done in X Y and Z positions...

    Ideas for commands: /as reload, /as list, /as stop

    Ideas for permissions: OP online

    When I'd like it by: Anytime :)

    Similar plugin requests: None.

    Devs who might be interested in this: @TnT @ChrizC @codename_B md_5 sharkale LittleGruz DDoS lishid @EisteeĀ² Shevchik Fauglir Musaddict zackman0010 Rothens
  2. Offline


    Yeh, I'd like this too:D
    JonesyBoppa likes this.
  3. Offline


    Well you have specify the command. What exactly do you want this command to do?
  4. Offline


    Could it be configurable?
  5. Offline


    It really depends on what command you want. Other plugin commands? Commands that come with plugin? etc.
  6. Offline


    Other plugin commands, like /say, world edit ones, nuke XD
  7. Offline


    its WE ones, like //set 98%stone,1&ironore,1%goldore

  8. Offline


    This is certainly easily achieved with the player.performCommand("command arg1 arg2 ..."); method given in Bukkit, although it only works if the player is online.
  9. Offline


    or by
    this.getServer().dispatchCommand(new ConsoleCommandSender(this.getServer())," YOUR COMMAND HERE WITHOUT /")
    this will run the command as console
    the problem is that the WE doesn't support command from consoles(I can't find how to set coordinates for command)
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Curious. I have been thinking of adding this kind of feature to my AutorunCommands mod.
    This may inspire me to delay my current Bukkit project and work on this instead.
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    For those curious, the ability to run any command you want with any frequency to has been added to the AC mod mentioned above. The thread head is not updated yet because the bukkit web server was in an unhelpful mood when it was being updated.

    EDIT: Thread updated

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