Redstone lamp passing current.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Delta1196, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Something I think would be a neat feature to have is the ability for redstone lamps to pass a current up or down. This would give the ability to construct a network backbone, vertical circuits and more by building columns.

    Could still require a repeater of some sort after 15 blocks.

    Still would require redstone wire to create horizontal circuits.
  2. Offline


    vertical ciruits are already possible :/ Try something like this
    s = stone r = redstone t = redstone torch p = power source
    s r r r r p
  3. Offline


    That only works going up. The thread starter wants it to work downwards too. I can see a great use for his idea, but it seems like it may ruin the lamps. I could see maybe using signs that when powered, force a redstone signal above them too, causing a chain effect until some redstone is activated.
  4. Offline


    Thank you for understanding my post. I myself would like to do some work on it, if I get a chance, but I cannot find anything that shows how to modify/add redstone effects to entities. Probably just overlooking it.

    I was thinking that while the redstone current is on, the lamps come on and pass the current up and down to an adjacent redstone lamp which is then also powered on. Once you are at the level you want to be at you place redstone to continue the current from there. This is just how I pictured it.
  5. Offline


    If you use signs, you can make it like this:

    When a sign is placed, check if the tag on it is: [verticalRS]
    If the tag matches, add the location into a list for access

    When a location from the list receives power, turn the sign into a torch.
    When the location stops receiving power, turn it back into a sign.

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