Player spawn changed (SMP)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by v1sper, Mar 16, 2012.

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    Hi there.

    Not sure if this occurred when I installed CraftBukkit or some other plugin, but the spawn point on my SMP server changed.
    I started to build the map in Vanilla state before I installed CraftBukkit and some other plugins (dynmap, chestlocker, loginmessage. minor stuff.), and at that time the spawn was at around x:200 y:130 -ish, but now after the plugins are in the spawn has been moved to o:eek: - where it should be I guess.
    Problem is, we built our town close to spawn. Now the spawn is far away.. did CraftBukkit do this? Or do you have any suggestion on how I can revert to the old spawn coords?

    Thanks in advance, this forum is a great resource.

    Oh, and it's the latest Beta build of CraftBukkit.
  2. Offline


    Get a plugin like Commandbook and just /setspawn where you want it :)
  3. Offline


    Do you know another plugin that can do it? Commandbook seems not to be updated and it won't load on current CB. Thanks for the tip though!
  4. Offline


    "Essentials" has /setspawn bundled with it ;)
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