ehm.... Isn't it this? boolean sheltered = ( toCheck.getWorld().getHighestBlockAt( toCheck.getLocation ).getY() > toCheck.getY() );
Ah ok, thanks.
Yeah, it's checking if it's in a desert/taiga/tundra. That would give strange things, like when there is a ladder above, but this gave me an...
The title says it all, how do I check if a block is wet from rain? How does minecraft check if a farmland should get wet or not when it is...
My bad, xD I fixed it now tho.
Can you add my plugins to the lists: Automatic Drilling Machines Dropbox (always latest):...
I made a plugin that moves on its own, like I said in my last comment. It's still beta, but the last version is currently stable and fully...
When my plugin breaks a Tall Grass with a pickaxe, I get a Dead Bush? public void drillBlock( Block blockToBeDrilled, Block chestBlock ) {...
Hm thanks, but then it resets the data and inventory. I guess I gotto work around that. To bad those other 2 lines caused crashes, it was easy to...
Thanks, will look into it. The rest of my plugin is done, only this part is left to do. It looks funny how the drills mine their way into...
But I want the fuel to burn, but it won't burn, because there is nothing to melt in the furnace. How can I force the furnace to take a fuel and...
ferrybig Damn, that worked :P Thanks! Ehm... I got 1 more problem.... The moving goes ok, but when I move a chest, and put another block next to...
// move drill method >> public void moveDrill( Block justDrilledBlock, Block drill, Block chest, Block furnace ) {...
I am trying to make a drill, where I got 3 blocks: IronBlock (IB) - Chest (C) - Furnace (F). The IB has to move forward, the C then takes in the...
Separate names with a comma.