Include some line numbers. If it is this line: getMongoManager().players.insertOne(teamdoc); then my guess would be players is null or...
You might be able to change the packet that is sent to the clients near the player. Though I am not 100% sure I would need to look into it
Just use a byte stream, you can find how to do this here:
@Coopah instead of assuming he is attacking you, re read what he is saying and take it into consideration. I, when I first started programming,...
have a string list in the config, I would structure like this: Items: - DIAMOND,10 Then make some sort of method to add the items. In this, you...
Well, every developer will structure their code differently. I will tell you what I do, but it will be different than what you will do. If you...
Thanks for trying to help.... This was from 2013 though xD
False... The syntax is simple. Please learn it before you make those inquiries.
Use this: getConfig().getString("message.format").replace("%prefix", prefix).replace("%player", playerVarible);
sethrem To answer your question, Yes Bukkit as a API or a server API is shutting down, although the community as its self isn't. Just use Spigot,...
Well, that escalated quickly...
Where do you open the inventory? Could I see both classes?
Hey Bukkit, ever since the whole DCMA incident I kinda abandoned Bukkit... I for some odd reason had logged back today, to see the old community...
Can I see your createObjecto method?
Separate names with a comma.