As long as you only overwrite the entities in maps "d", "f" and "c" from EntityTypes and use different names for both entities, this is possible.
Already tried, but since 1.8 it doesn't show the bar anymore unless you dig down like 80 blocks.
Hello, I am spawning an EnderDragon for its Boss bar but I can't remove its wing sounds (I can remove every other sound). Does anyone know how...
Bump, still not fixed.
I know :). I have another question, what happens if I use the accept method from ServerSocket while there is no incoming connection. Also, if...
You would still need a loop for checking if there is data available if you keep the socket open, wouldn't you?
But since I want to be able to constantly send data to other servers, would I need a while(true) loop on each server trying to connect with the...
I'm sorry, I want to send data from one server to another server, so for example a method senData(String server, Object... data). I am going to...
Objects such as Integers and Strings.
I'm trying to be able to send Objects to other servers.
Hello, I have a question about sockets as I am new to them. So if I have a ServerSocket on each server, would I have to use a while(true) loop...
jusjus112 Override the g method of EntityHorse.
TeeePeee As far as I can tell it happends when the entity is null when the chunk loads. I don't know why my entity becomes null though.
TeeePeee If the chunk of a custom entity gets unloaded and then loaded again, the entity disappears with this message in the console: "Skipping...
Listen to PlayerFishEvent and use PlayerFishEvent#getCaught() to teleport the player you caught to the fisher.
Separate names with a comma.