sounds good
The idea of this plugin is to give certain players particles which will infinitely spawn out of them, whether it be smoke, portal, critical,...
just merge em all and call it warpack or something xD
Weed Grenade: texture: '' speed-multiply: 1.3...
ah awesome. keep up the great work :D
I don't know about anyone else but I don't take damage from the explosions :S also how do i determine what potion is what? (for example smoke...
so is there/will there be an ArmourPack? :3 and also is the crafting compatible with spout blocks and items such as MoreMaterials?
ah cheers alot :D
any chance of adding throwable grenade/tripmine/detonatable c4? ossyguns plugin does these. you should team up. some of his features are good but...
I can see why you took out the global '*' permission: why would we need it when we can just give them the OP status. But i'd like to request you...
i know its somewhat possible for example the puff of smoke when you use /f home in the factions plugin, so if that would trigger every second or...
worldguard/essentials protect, there are loads of these kinda plugins. but worldguard should be an essential anyway which uses a block blacklist...
cant you jsut set build to false in the permissions file...? and im sure theres something in the for it too (but that might be...
The reason beds explode in the nether and the end is because time doesnt exist in those realms (as seen with clocks and compasses) so the game...
i dont know about anything else but for the timer it'd have to be a spout/bukkit plugin so only those using spoutcraft client ould be able to see...
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