Is there a way to Listen to When a Potion effect Gets Added or Removed From players?
My bad, First time making a plugin based on spout.
Moved To Spout Forums
Trying To Create some Tests when a player shoots a Small Fireball. But i cant seem to get it to Shoot Straight. (It curves slightly)...
my bad, didnt see that.. i saw "blocks.add" and auto-matically assumed it was a block xD
blocks.add(temp.getBlock()); That work maybe?
@EventHandler public void ItemDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent event){ Player player = event.getPlayer();...
I thought TagAPI wouldnt work if ur name was longer than 15 characters (i think 15 or 13?)
Does this also change the name color to the teams color? And also is there a way to do like Code If(Player.IsScoreBoardTeam("Team Name"){...
try this OnPlayer @EventHandler public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) { Player GetPlayer = event.getPlayer();...
whut... what is this secondary spawn for then? EDIT: ..I think what ur saying is.. when u first enter the world for the first time.. it spawns...
As far as i know... Most (if not all) on Herobrines Return (I also played this with friends, Loved it) Was done with Command Blocks Commands...
Is there some function to add/set teams to the server yet using the built-in Scoreboard function?
oh I was talking about the black part and stuff.. been making plugins for about a year and never bothered to see if you could change the...
Separate names with a comma.