So i have decided to go on the daunting task of creating a minigame using objects and such, however when i create an object and add it to my list,...
1) thanks for pointing that out i have changed it to be more descriptive as to what it does and how to use it 2) the class was in a different...
What it does- This code basically rewrites methods given for JavaPlugins getConfig() interface for use with other files How to insert- Place the...
I have recently taking the leap into configuration files after working with my plugin which works beautifully however i dont have any files to...
ahh okay thats simpler then the method i was trying thank you @timtower
So basically i have an arraylist which i have added some spawns to. public ArrayList<Location> spawns = new ArrayList<Location>(); now i want to...
ohhh wow cant believe I never thought about that thanks for helping me resolve this issue!
when type /create <name> it returns with an error saying I am receiving a null pointer at my createArena function in arenamanager
I keep getting this error whenever I use my command to create an arena however I cant for the life of me figure out what the fix for it could be...
PokemonC is a versatile Pokémon plugin for regular spigot servers that uses no external sources! Current Development Status; Setup basic... Shows how you would create it in basic terms but as for your code...
Okay Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask((Plugin) this, new BukkitRunnable() { The ONLY issue here is you are casting...
I am currently creating a Pokémon plugin and I cant for the life of me figure out the creation and spawning of these "Pokémon Entities" here is a...
could you show a brief example code of how I could use this to spawn multiple pokemon of different rarities you can use just basic names and stuff...
so this is a guess based on how you have set yourself up. you are checking that when the game starts a specific map is checked to true. while all...
Separate names with a comma.