I too :( Edit: https://github.com/caliog/NPCLib :)
Garris0n Can you give an example?
Hi! How I can change this list, when Im hovering number of players on server list? [IMG] I dont want to use ProtocolLIB, I want to make this with...
p.getInventory().addItem(ironhelmet (or other itemstack here));To put armor on player use p.setBoots(boots); p.setChestplate(chestplate);ect.
It is on main class. You do not need to register this. Just remove.
bump. nay1?
@The Gaming Grunts Its very interesting. It does not send anything, when stone is creating, but say random locations on chat. When I teleported...
bump agin...
The Gaming Grunts @EventHandler public void spread(BlockSpreadEvent event){...
Didnt work.
To check if player is online use if(Bukkit.getPlayer(NICK) == null){ //Player is offline! }else{ //Player is online! }
Separate names with a comma.