After a chunk populates, I am trying to replace many of the blocks it has, but quite often, there is places that don't get replaced. Is there an...
The developer of Nodus is cancelling with the last update for 1.5.2, so it really wouldn't be required. larperdoodle "TROLOLOL!" EDIT by...
Thanks, I already knew though. I didn't have Votifier.
I did some debug, and I just noticed for the very first time: SEVERE Plugin Rewarder v1.0 has failed to register events for class...
I'm talking about the player join.
I've been trying for a few hours to get a listener to trigger. No matter what I do, it won't trigger. package me.waternode.server.rewarder;...
Well, there isn't much more than that... just a forloop. I noticed that you can do this with any material that is in the ENUM code with two...
I'm trying to make a nice list on my plugin, and I can't figure out out to convert a material to string properly. String input =...
16.02 13:48:09 [Server] INFO at$1.execute( 16.02 13:48:09 [Server] INFO at...
Done. The plugin.getConfig() hands over an error now. @EventHandler public void onLogin(PlayerJoinEvent e) { FileConfiguration conf =...
AngryNerd gomeow I got somewhere, I split up what I was doing: @EventHandler public void onLogin(PlayerLoginEvent e) {...
if (plugin.getConfig().getStringList("entered").contains(e.getPlayer().getName())) {
I am, actually. I fixed that before I posted the thread, I just copy pasted an old configuration. It still gives the same error.
Oh, yes: 16.02 00:59:44 [Server] INFO at$1.execute( 16.02 00:59:44 [Server] INFO...
Hello, I am currently trying to read a configuration list, and it is giving me a nullpointererror. This is the method that gives me an error:...
Separate names with a comma.