Awesome, thanks everyone :) This solves my problem.
That one seems to be for a global ban list, rather than just a local one. I guess with that out there's not much need for my TempBan plugin any more.
Thanks 1337 I will look into that. I was not aware that something like that was possible, I am used to using the etc.getServer().ban(name); from hey0
I know you can kick them but if you fully read my original post you would see that I want to BAN people, not just kick them. I could just have the...
No answers? I have looked through the current documentation and have not seen anything, but that does not mean it's not there.
I no longer wish to support this plugin.
Hi there, I am busy porting my two old hey0 mods to bukkit and was wondering if it's possible for bukkit to ban players yet?
Separate names with a comma.