Last Activity:
May 13, 2015
Apr 11, 2011
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Member, Male

Plugin commissions are closed. Aug 31, 2013

Tux2 was last seen:
May 13, 2015
    1. georgsterman567
    2. Tux2
      Plugin commissions are closed.
    3. Tux2
      If you're trying to catch me on IRC, I'm Tux2, not Tux. Yes, he knows me, but don't expect him to relay anything.
    4. chasechocolate
    5. deleted_90837158
      Celebrate good times, come on!
      It's a celebration

      Celebrate good times, come on!
      Let's celebrate
    6. emericask8ur
      congrats bro!
    7. drtshock
      Congrats :)
    8. Tux2
      For those of you wanting custom plugins: I don't check my forum account as often as the bukkit dev account. Please send all requests there.
    9. gigsta12
    10. DaFastRapper
      My main world has these chunk errors and the world.zip is too big for mediafire and I really want this fixed, what should I do? :(
      1. Tux2
        Wait for a beta version of the tool to be released. We will be releasing one as soon as we get it working.
        May 20, 2012
    11. gigsta12
      Hey Tux2
      Gigsta12 here from MultipleGamingCrew on Youtube. I was wondering if u could fix a map for me. We had a chunk error and it goes "Saving chunks", crashes and then regenerates the terrain in that chunk. The map was part of the MGC Modpack. A complete list of mods can be sent to you if you need it. If you require anything from me that will help fix the map let me know.
      Multiple Gaming Crew
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Tux2
        No problem. :D We're working as fast as we can and hope to have a release out soon!
        Apr 27, 2012
      3. gigsta12
        Sweet Cant wait and keep up the good work
        Apr 28, 2012
      4. gigsta12
        btw do u have a relese date ur aiming for and if so what is it.
        Apr 28, 2012
    12. C0nsole
      Is it just me, or do you have a bit too many plugins to handle?
      1. Tux2
        Who says I can't handle them all? I have a whole dev team and we handle updates together.
        Apr 11, 2012
      2. C0nsole
        fair enough
        Apr 11, 2012
    13. Tux2
      Seems Bukkit is spending a huge amount of time on this release so I'm thinking of updating my plugins before the official release.
    14. Forge_User_67106366
      Hey!Your mobspawner edit will be updated to 1185?
      1. Tux2
        Yes! I just have a list of plugins and other stuff that I'm working on at the moment, but yes, I will get it updated soon.
        Oct 4, 2011
      2. Forge_User_67106366
        Oct 4, 2011
    15. Abducahi
      Hey tux, I'm not sure if you remember me But I was wondering if you'd be able to design a plugin that allows people to say a word and it will promote them [ I know its been done but not for group manager]. Also one that if they touch a block it uses a command, so like for example: if i set a block to /ban [name] and someone's character touched the block it would ban them. Thanks, abducahi.
    16. Tux2
      Some people want quantity over quality, lots of plugins = a lot of views right? Well, poorly designed plugins make for a bad rep quickly.
    17. Tux2
      A realtime social networking graph for minecraft, something I'm thinking about... What do you guys think?
    18. jamescosten
      Hey man, i have completed the Map Clone Review, did it fast so that i could keep you happy :). I hope you like the review, the plugin works great. If you wouldnt mind putting it in the main thread so more people can see it. Cheers.
      1. Tux2
        Lol, you do it for free, so I'm just glad you do them. I know you are busy, so even if I had to wait a week it would still be good. :)
        Jun 6, 2011
    19. Tux2
      Avatars: Some people change them frequently. Others change them not so often. Me? I've only ever had one avatar, the one you see now.
    20. Tux2
      A Map plugin. It seems even the simplest of plugins I submit grow in code exponentially at every update. Anyone else have this problem?
    21. BlackDeath
      you said that I just pm you and you will help me with a real plugin... can u help me with somthing easy...
    22. jamescosten
      1. Tux2
        Cool! Once the video is done being processed I'll watch it. :D
        May 24, 2011
    23. jamescosten
      Hey man, im just editing the video now. Is there support for snow in that plugin? (weatherrestrictions?)
      1. Tux2
        In minecraft weather is weather, you get either snow or rain depending on the biome so rain commands control snow as well. But, there is an option to disable snow accumulation, which I have in there. That's why it's only for 766 up because that's when the snow accumulation hook was added.
        May 24, 2011
      2. jamescosten
        thank you for your quick response I have updated my video wit that info. Will be done shortly, so i will post the link here for you :)
        May 24, 2011
    24. Tux2
      I never thought I would have a change log a mile long on a simple clay plugin... Well then, think again...
    25. Tux2
      I'm helping someone get started with bukkit plugins and he picked a good one. Stay tuned to find out more!
    26. Tux2
      ChestIt is a new plugin I just started making. More details to follow...
    27. Tux2
      Computers crash, it's a fact of life. Mine crashed today, but thankfully I only lost an hour's worth of work. (Frequent backups are the key)
    28. Tux2
      Just tested ClayGen v0.4 with build 766. Works perfectly!
    29. jamescosten
      Hey Tux2, Ive just posted a link in the Claygen thread. Its a Youtube review and test of claygen. I hope you dont mind, just wanted to show people how this awesome plugin works.

      The link to the video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-xxR8sFuuo

      Was thinking perhaps you could include inpost so people can get a feel of this plugin before installing.
      Let me know what you think Mate.
      1. Tux2
        I don't know if you saw or not, but I thought I would let you know that yes, your video is now in the topic post. Good job on the video by the way.
        May 9, 2011
      2. jamescosten
        Yeah i did, thank you. I just made a farm in game that can do 100 gravel at once. And im working on an automatic farm tonight :)
        May 10, 2011
    30. Tux2
      There's too much rain and snow in SMP, so I'm making a plugin to fix that.
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    I make plugins! PM me for a quote on your custom plugin today!
    If you're trying to catch me on IRC, I'm Tux2, not Tux. Yes, he knows me, but don't expect him to relay anything.​