@Jadedcat how would your feelings be about my project wolf in a bukkit where we are reverse engineering bukkit from documentation and craftbukkit...
Contact mojang? Check. autoreply bukkit is down due to dcma cant help you have a nice day. Sent an email back that they definately can help, no...
I know I had. I started the project over 3 times over as i learned more. Currently I have the project fully stripped of bukkit, a different...
https://github.com/Wolf-in-a-bukkit/wolf-in-a-bukkit/ if you want to help. A todo list is on...
MrEditor97 feel free to join ;-) could use the help
jreames3 yes and no. Craftbukkit only be distributed under gpl3 yes. But bukkit api being gpl3 does not automagically upgrafe craftbukkit upon...
I get what you are looking for, but also for the exception all bukkit api devs would have to be onboard. An implied consent does not make legal...
MrEditor97 I guess thats why I keep on eith the project despite people calling me a fool. The problem is, mojang cannot declare the bukkit api...
Ok. You got it almost right jreames3. No worries, took me some studying too. The thing is there are two components at play here Bukkit api which...
Well i could use all the help I can get. It gets a bit demotivating to hack at it alone and having people throw in your face its dead buddy, leave it
Actually to make craftbukkit operational we need an lgpl bukkit. Im already 8 files in, but got 640 more to go. By the time im done im afraid...
Or use the subreddit. I get alerts faster that way. /r/wolf_in_a_bukkit
I could use your help cnniillaa any hands that help are for the better. The only thing we need to do is make a bukkit API that is lgpl...
Right now I'm in the process of creating a lglpv3 bukkit api. If there are still copyrightholders present here that wrote code for the bukkit...
Looking at it, if its lgpl the copyright issue wont be of significance really. the only thing the owners could enforce is that the code is lgplv3...
Separate names with a comma.