fireblast709 meant that the permission lines enderpvp.sign.create enderpvp.resetkit Doesn't have anything after them. But the problem is on line...
Rex285 Then just change the enabled boolean to true or false depends on what the argument is!
Minesuchtiiii Why are you trying to translateAlternateColorCode and after that change & to ยง? translateAlternateColorCodes returns a string so...
line 53 is missing a colon
do joinmsg = joinmsg.replace("%players%", p.getName()); instead Btw only bump once every 24h!
When you add it to the server, is the plugin a jar file and is it in the plugins folder?
You need to register the event
Events are supposed to be runned when they are fired (example PlayerJoinEvent will always be called if someone joins) and you got a bit loop...
KmanCrazy what message? and is the message being sent constantly or just on a specific event?
use addUnsafeEnchantment instead, you are trying to give a enchantment that can only be level 1-4
add debug messages
So you are getting the messages, but the player isn't get healed and no errors?
basically messages to print out to see if stuff working messages like, pl.getName() or just messages to see if a if statement actually did what it...
on the broadcastMessage, do ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', message) instead of message
in your SchematicScheduler do Ceta ceta; then in the public SchematicSchedular(Ceta plugin, String SchematicID) do ceta = plugin; then you can...
Separate names with a comma.