Why wouldn't it be able to find the hostname/can that be solved?
there was nothing to correct.
Lionhard get the hostname that they use to connect to the server with. e.g domain.com which is .getHostname() but it returns nothing for some reason.
it is in the title...
I've tried multiple servers using domains and just raw IP's to connect but nothing, the method never returns anything. Is it broken?
The_Doctor_123 Maybe.. but what I have done, with a few additions, will let you do GET and POST with responses if required. It does what he needs...
Try this (not tested) InputStream rd = null; try{ URL obj = new URL("http://minecraft.net/haspaid.jsp?user="+p.getName()); HttpURLConnection conn...
Getting this error when I get a prefix. It does actually set the prefix but it is an error none the less. 05:16:46 [WARNING] [NametagEdit] Task...
So i'm loading up the data and creating the inventories on start up and storing them in a hasmap: HashMap<Faction, Inventory> banks = new...
so what you're saying is, if i make all the inventories onEnable then on the interact I just open the correct inventory, that would solve the...
Sorry I didn't make myself very clear apparently. The point of this plugin is to make it so a faction shares an enderchest instead of player based...
So I am making a chest: Inventory fbank = this.getServer().createInventory(null, 9, ChatColor.BLUE + f.getName() + "'s Faction Bank"); And opening...
When I spawn a Human entity no one can see it unless then re-log code: EntityManager manager = RemoteEntities.createManager(plugin);...
Separate names with a comma.