Im working on it I made it here's the code Cuboid Class (Just put it in your project, don't do anything with it) :
You must make a cuboid and use the PlayerMoveEvent and check if player walks in the region You could use this:...
You mean with worldguard? So you need the worldguard events plugin ( Or if you dont...
When im on my computer im gonna look at it, but at line 32 you must use Bukkit.Getofflineplayer(playerName)
I think thats the best thing
You could make a randomizer that runs everytime you break a block
OfflinePlayer offline = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(name)
Hi, When i use your code, it doesn't know anything of the code Like writeInt(socket, 0); He doesn't know what write int is. Do you know what i...
Does getCommand("mey").setExecutor(dt.DTmey); give errors?
What do you mean with metadata?
You could use: /ban <player> <reason>
Can you post your whole main class? EDIT: or all your classes :P?
You can also use player.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), x, y, z)); Otherwise you'll get "Warping to <warp>..." In your chat and...
first, when you post an part of code you must use the code syntax. In an different class than the main class you mustn't use extends JavaPlugin To...
My bad xD
Separate names with a comma.