jusjus112 yay thanks. Now how would I make the particles play every 45 degrees around the player like a circle motion playing every 45degrees
Hey , how would I make it so when a TNT explodes it makes all blocks around it fly out as falling sand like a real explosion and how would I make...
Why am I getting this error with my plugin [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler]
Hey, I have a method t create dyed armor. Now here's the problem: I want it t be used via command I have everything set up so the command is...
I never even started this lol, I just wanted to see if people wanted it :P
JSON, hoverEvent [media] for help doing it in Bukkit
Spigot is not supported here, please ask on the respective forums
How would I make it so that when I right click an item it shoots 3 like this [ATTACH] I already have everything setup but I just need to create...
CeramicTitan I think he is taking about the list when he hovers over the number of players. I would also like to know how to do this
Rocoty Thanks I'll try it out
Rocoty Ah, OK. How would I do this? sorry I have only made small single class plugins and or I just make it all in 1 class (stupid idea)
I can do this I just need to know what permissions and what color
1Rogue implementing Plugin was a ctrl + shift + o mistake. I'm still confused on what to do :oops: .addAttatchment() is giving me 2...
Why am I getting this error?? [20:46:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [kevyandazzas server] Loading kevyandazzas server v1.0 [20:46:33] [Server...
Separate names with a comma.