You don't set the Health of the Players.... Score score = objective.getScore(player); score.setScore( player.getHealth() );
No you only need to make a Score for the Players who are in the Arena. And the Scoreboard you add all Players who need to see the Score. I had...
Yes that is bad but not your fault. I had 27% Offline Usage from ~550 Servers. I think i need to Prevent this and allow only Servers who have...
Yes you need to set the Scoreboard also for the Viewers. But you don't need to add a Player to the Scoreboard :) // Only for the Players in the...
I had already a Task for Update the Player Health so run it 20secs later so the World is Loaded.
Thanks for your Tutorial! I get all the Time Null from "Bukkit.getScoreboardManager();" yes it is in onEnable() :/ is there a Problem with the...
Why you asking my about Would this Work? Test it and you see how it Works. One thing is really bad... you get the Highest Point of the World...
Not really then X is a Int not a Location :) Here a Snipped from my Code Location location = new Location(world, 0, 0, 0); // New Location in...
This is really easy... make a new Location with Random X and Z for the Y you need to get the Highest Block...
That is not the Problem! It works. The Problem is some where else. I cant Access a Chest with a Item in the Hand while i am Sneaking.
There is now Problem about this Event :/ its a other Problem form MC or Bukkit i don't know. A Player can't open a Chest with a Item while he is...
Do you have the full Error Message of this? And for the Despawne you need to make a Runnable who Exectue after 5mins and remove the Chest
Separate names with a comma.