WorldGuard flags
How to disable that people can enchant sharpness to axes?
If someone has example; youtube rank from begin and buy vip rank does the prefix mess up? Does he get vip prefix or still moderator prefix?
Is there a plugin if people vote they get money, points etc but also a change of Lucky votes. example: 1/10 /kit vote 10/50 5000 money 20/250 2...
Is it possible to give people example; 1/150000 change to get an slime spawner from fishing? If yes, how? Please help, thanks. - Stfu. :p Bump...
Still thanks!
Essentials Eco And how do I empty chests/inventorys etc?
1. If I delete faction folder then it will delete the factions ALSO, I want only the claims to be deleted. 2. Econmy plugin folder? I don't have...
All items in chests/furnaces/dispensers/inventorys etc (no enderchests) faction claims reseted (factions/donator ranks/mcmmo levels not) There...
Restart pc, open ur server cmd type /reload or /stop. Redstone Host is almost even good and cheaper!
Separate names with a comma.