Illness Diseases ◦ Infections ◦ Viruses [IMG] Illness brings the realistic horror of diseases to minecraft. It allows you to create infinitely...
player.setExp(); player.setHunger(); player.setHealth();
When you say launch do you mean straight up or into the direction their going with a slight jump (like when you get hit)
public int ID; public void start() { ID = plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new Runnable() { public void run()...
To stop a repeating task, you have to save its id when you start it, the function startRepeatingTask returns the id. Then when you want it to end...
You can add the potion spell for mining speed(mining fatigue i think its called), this would be the easiest solution as it would also appear to...
If anyone is wondering ive nearly finished, im just adding curing into it now. Its also incredibly configurable, you can create any disease you...
try maybe something like this if(item.getEnchantments().size() >= 1) { //item is enchanted }else { //item is not enchanted }
And you'll be done until you run into another small problem 5 seconds later, so you'll post another thread asking 'Help mee wth this smal prooblem...
Its been posted before, but ill rephrase it. 1. Learn Java 2. Read this 3. Go through the bukkit javadocs...
If you want to know ive started work on this plugin, it currently not available but progress is good. The diseases have tiers each with symptoms...
args[2] is null. Make a check before: if(args[2] != null) { //do stuff }
But he wants to make it configurable i think.
You can't compare an 'int' to an 'integerlist', and i do not know if 'BlockDispenesement' is in the right format for IntegerList. I think an...
Look up yaml configurtion for bukkit. '8,9,10,11,326,327' is not an in, so you can't get it with config.getInt(); Im not sure if there is an...
Separate names with a comma.