I love this plugin!!! I do wish that it were configurable to change the command that you use to get to it :[ cause I want it to be /hlpme I...
Back to my wonderful computer!! Now I see why you would be confused :P
Wut I meant was make it so that u can specify which ips to allow in a config :P srry it's hard to read on my phone (the box doesnt fit the...
I have several ideas for this, and I am currently working on a plugin for it, give me some time (I'm lazy) and I'll have a plugin that logs how...
This probably has been mentioned before, but I don't have the time to look for it. All I know now is that it seems as if Essentials conflicts...
Did you ever figure it out? Because I am having trouble with that, too. :(:(
Thanks!! That worked!!! :):)
The quick delete isnt working... I loved that ability :(:( please fix? Or tell me if I am doing something wrong. I crouch, and right click a...
No problem :P :D
Click the MIRROR link at the top to get a list of downloads. :D
Well you'll have to find a different guy for that, I have a small server, so I have no idea if it lags or messes up when there is a ton of...
Wow I really like this idea, It will be fun to see what it develops into. I love the idea of a plague, especially because my server has a...
Here is my config: #Tue Jul 19 13:26:17 EDT 2011 IceSphere=3,2 Purge\ Animals=10 Heal=1,100,8,0 Grow\ Wheat=2,3 High\ Jump=2,50 Harvest\ Leaves=...
No I'm only running Essentials. None of the extra Essentials pluggins. WAIT! I don't have MySQL. do you think that has anything to do with it,...
Permissions, bookworm, essentials, falsebook, iChat, noCheat, sortal and voxelsniper.
Separate names with a comma.