Hey, I'm trying to get live stats on my website from this plugin. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/lolmewnstats/ I have MySQl setup but I'm...
You need @EventHandler above you event. Also the class needs to implement Listener and where's your onEnable() and onDisable()?...
Can anyone else help me please?
CubieX SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); Calendar currentTime = Calendar.getInstance(); if...
Hello, I need a way to subtract and check the current time against another time for example, an event on the server runs at 16:00, how do I make...
Hello, I want to allocate a number to each player without any duplicates and within a range so that I can teleport them to that number spawn, for...
It's just that I'm trying to store the key as an arena, then the list of players who are in an arena. Can you not use a hashmap with a list string...
Skyost If I try and do that with plugin.ffaPlaying.put("Test", p.getName()); Then is says 'The method put(String, List<String>) in the type...
public Map<String, List<String>> ffaPlaying = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); I want to add player names to the List<String> but I'm not...
@EventHandler above the player death event, but...why do you have two?
PreFiXAUT It may be easier to save the location of the sign, when it is placed instead of looping through every world, tile entities etc... If you...
setLastDamageCause() ? http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/Entity.html#setLastDamageCause(org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent)
Staartvin etaxi341 Got any example code please?
Hello, I'm trying to get the player with the highest score(kills) from the scoreboard, here's my code....
Separate names with a comma.