I'm sorry that a plugin that has been outdated for over 5 months now does not work. Please read from now on.
No clue
Thanks but this thread is a few months old.
Check the chat dates...
No permanent poison sorry just that poison does NOT last indefinitely
Thanks trying to find someone good to maintain this.
Nice job.
The lock pick should work... what lock system do you use? First read the I AM NO LONGER SUPPORTING THIS bit. Afterwards jar files are compiled...
Thanks. Some people just frustrate me. But P.S. I don't accept donations :p
On the onkeypressed event use a: if currentscreen==gamescreen DO NOT USE my old emthod of making sure its not any of the other screens. This...
Hey quick idea for you. Try changing this to more of a "remote" furnace/crafting table/enchantment bench/chest. This way players would only be...
Seriously do you people read? At all? Ever?
? But see it is people like you why I stopped working on it. People who did not realize or care about the work I put into it. The people who...
It should
Separate names with a comma.