Hey Berger, can u PN me your Hamachi again, i dont find the address and want to speak about something ... :)
Hey Guy, im confused. /pex user <user> group add <group> [world] [lifetime] not work :S /pex user z3ro_ccool group add vip Freebuildi 30 ..... and...
Can u support PermissionsEx? regards
HEya Guys :) found 3 things ... 1. I'm dump or is there no World delete button? If not, why? 2. On Disable of a Plugin i got a Error and a...
Its not working .... /rb ban 123.123.* not works works ... :S
So its like a McMyAdmin, you guys run the craftbukkit.jar and rest right?
Heya :) is it a Server Managment or just a webinterface? i mean ... is the console and so on from you? like McMyAdmin? Bc else how u want to...
for windows its work fine, bc there is a .exe too, if u cant, maybe just support the windows user (like me)?
Hey Guy, i watched your Preview #2 .. you showed up that Chunkster is implemented right now, maybe u can implement MinecraftRegionFixer? (Its...
This is nearly Fixed yet :o I not saw any "Transparent" Chunk yet. and the render distance is like this: First under you! Then the rest in front...
I already got and i got errors on playerevent_kick ... ^^ oh god hopefully anyone will update it to the newest and debug it ... :S
Hey Guy, i tested with Berger a lot around. And NoLagg is still on my Server, not even with speedhack i can go up to the point where Chunks not...
Robert, maybe u can fix one of the most awsm bugs in it? xD you can crash any xauth server, with just idle arround :p ... after the given time to...
We know that it goes crazy, its yet not recommended until its stable and we/he approve. No im not one of the developer. i just helped him to find...
I only got Chunk replaces ... nah, no replace, new generation, but not with this generator, maybe moves of other parts of the world because...
Separate names with a comma.