Gonna try this out, nice job.
Ah i see, that makes sense now. Sorry for the late reply, been kinda busy this week. Got around to testing it and it works great. Expanding this...
And how exactly was i supposed to know? Its not even listed on his plugin list, or on this very thread. Thanks for the link though.. :eek:
Wait, if the potion only lasts for a set amount of time, why would you need to use a command to clear the effects? Also, is there anyway to make...
Cant get this to work. I did /vcmd /spawn 1 for a test, but it doesnt charge me one dollar to use the /spawn command. I tried /vcmd /spawn...
Hey guys, i made a request to get this plugin updated and some one was kind enough to do so. PLEASE, check it out!...
Ok, sounds good man, keep me posted. Thank you for all your hard work!
Tested it out, works great. Can you add more materials in the config? I tried to do it myself but nothing worked when i added them. What i was...
What money generating plugins do you guys use with this? This is to anyone reading this who currently using Chest Shop, trying to find a good easy...
No, its not, the closest thing to what im asking for is MiningCash, but i've been having problems with it, and its not exactly what i was looking...
Different amounts for each ore. So for example(the value i would personally put, at least to test out how fast and how much players can earn on...
Sorry for the late reply, thanks for taking the time to look into this! You have no clue how happy you have made me lol. I'll take a look at...
You should update this :)
Like i said in my original post, i'd rather be a jack of all trades then only get paid for specific stuff. What i wanted is what the server i...
Anyone want to try and revive this plugin? http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/econ-paid2mine-get-paid-to-mine-items-with-iconomy-928.13094/page-6...
Separate names with a comma.