essentials controls the shops and informing you how much money your holding because iconomy and essentials hook together threw vault.
citizens 2 + dltraders was working but on an update it broke could just be due to a code error in Citizens but I can no longer right click my npc...
tweaked essentials vault and iconomy are what I use for sign shops + citizens 2 NPC shops. sign shops are just there as a backup encase an update...
yay... finally just in time for 1.7.3 to be released! ;) none the less great job guys EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit...
epic000 your either a bad troll or you need to learn to RTFM... if you don't even know how to change images in a texture pack what the heck are...
what video xD he's mad that you busted him for copying xD
They couldn't handle having deadlines. lol jk jk
i don't mean to be rude but if it was a java thing then bukkit would not be any better off since it as well is java based
there has to be away around that... that to me sounds like the easy way out of making something great into something amazing. I don't for a second...
Just going to quote sections of this quote here So contradicting that post PunJedi quoted... what happened... was it the fact that the bukkit...
@XD 3VIL M0NKEY I'm am specifically talking about the citizens plugin I'm very certain with coding (since anything is technically possible)...
+1 they could at least make it so you can /npc setskin <playername> and /npc rename <any name> so the you can use all those nice skins that have...
Mostly liked due to the typo
actually that I'm pretty sure is exactly what they are referring to which isn't to much to ask for at least at the end of the "shift" they could...
the fact of the matter is there have been 2 1.6.4 recommended builds both released AFTER 1.7.2 was out. fine release one so players can get there...
Separate names with a comma.