hi if any one has problems tell staff or tell me EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
i didnt do anything just replaced craftbukkit with the new one renamed it to craftbukkit and turned it on everything i had works
thx for the hard work dev
it doesnt matter to me if my map currupts i havent dont much
someone on citi-build is going to explode there so mad and there staff thay cant stand not hving 1.3.1 i told them to calm themselves but i got a...
they r working on getting bukkit ready for us they don't even have to so stop complaning they have to stop working to answer ur questions
everyone just calm down it could be 1 % done or 99% done know one know just wait
ok because my main plugin is factions
hi in new and will any plugins u have still work when craftbukkit comes out for 1.3
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