My server runs at 20 TPS almost all the time, but still has moments of lag. When this happens I can see the network usage in Windows' resource...
How do you figure? What's your counter argument?
Still don't understand why Mojang doesn't take over Bukkit, or atleast supports it. Minecraft owes it's continuing popularity largly to Bukkit. I...
OfflinePlayer op = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer("nameofplayeryourelookingfor"); if (!op.isOnline()) { player.sendMessage("blablabla"); }
Can't help you with that, sorry. I don't know.
Looks like you put the "if item = accelerator" inside the "if item = thor's".
Description should indented below gm. That's the first thing I notice And add an "s" to command:
So... did you actually put the plugin in the plugin folder? :P
Then you need to declare the "sb" and "obj" objects globally, instead of in the onEnable() method. Like this: public class MyPlugin extends...
I did read your post. I though I'd start by pointing out that you need a seperate scoreboard for every player, because your code sets the same...
for ( int i = page; i < (page + 9); i++) { }
The same way you make the main class. Make sure it's in the same package. Then either access it in a static way, or make an instance of it. If...
I'm using it for a scoring system where I need to know how much damage 1 person did on the next. I don't really have any code to share. That's why...
Well for kills you would use the PlayerDeathEvent. Find the killer there, then find the scoreboard associated with him, and set the score. Is that...
You need to make a separate scoreboard for each player
Separate names with a comma.