I said "for me", so, then, I don't know.
I figured out the problem long time ago. That's happens because of mod Smart Moving (for me). And that's happens only when you lying (special...
Bump. Please, help.
Oh, sorry.
Hello. I got some problem on my server: Sometimes (after reconnect to server) players appears few blocks under their last place they were stand...
Thank you, I hope you gonna do something. Also, you can add exception to tree block (or even config file there you can add block to be excepted...
Hi, I got one problem: I use plugin ChopTree2, therefore, when player chop thee, they remove only one block bellow and CoreProtect remeber only...
Exactly what I mean :D Thank you, I did that I want.
lol, 228 pages. Hi. Wondering, if I somehow can made exclusion for any nodes. In shity PermissionsBukkit I was avalible to turn true or false...
Hi. Wondering, how can I turn off admin notifications. Thank you.
PLEASE DO FLATFILE! I hate that damn MySQL and sure that would nice alternative for players that have no deal with MySQL.
Not found. Will you update that? I need some plugin like this
Is this plugin has limit of loggining? I can't get logs of some blocks. And will you some day add feature to log commands, chat and same things?
Aww. You sure must do that :)
How obvious. I know it, but I still requie Ctrl+V pasting.
Separate names with a comma.