Just as a suggestion, you should back up your projects so that scenarios like this don't happen. I would recommend learning how to use git, and...
What works with craftbukkit? Is this a crash with a plugin you're developing, or is it a crash with spigot? If it's the latter, you're in the...
It's been two days, so I'm giving this a little bump. I would really appreciate if anyone could give me help, or just tell me it's impossible....
@MrNewbie This may be so, but look at the OP's code. They thought that arrayOfPlayer[0] would return every entry in the array. While simply using...
Try replacing event.getDrops().clear(); with something like PlayerInventory inv = event.getEntity().getInventory(); inv.clear();...
Not sure why it's spawning 10000 zombies, but I found a flaw in your code. @EventHandler public void onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent event) {...
@NotoriousV2 So if I'm understanding correctly, you want your listener to override the default EnchantItemEvent listener so yours activates...
@dlange Another thing you could do is make a copy of the collection, and iterate through the copy instead. List<String> serverPlayersCopy = new...
In order to know what event you need, you must first know when you want the listener to activate. You want to spawn a skeleton, but when? What...
I would iterate through the array using a foreach if ((arrayOfPlayer = Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()).length != 0) { for (Player p :...
Salutations, I am currently developing a plugin that catches block events, adds the occurring chunk to a list, and saves all chunks on the list...
So essentially, I should disregard what the tutorial tells me to do and set it up as an normal dependency? If that is the case, then I should be...
Which is? The tutorial said to edit my pom.xml file as follows: <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"...
Salutations, I am trying my hand at developing bukkit plugins, however I am having difficulties starting with it. I am currently following the...
Alright, I'm pretty familiar with bukkit, as I've tried to make a bukkit server before. However, now I'm trying to do something else with it. I...
Separate names with a comma.