Are you talking about the in game experience that Minecraft added in 1.3.1?
What jobs players take is dictated by the mcjobs.jobsavail.job_name permissions. So if you just give certain PEX groups specific jobs permissions...
It depends on the permission mod you use to determine how many jobs you can have. Also make sure you're using mcjobs.jobsavail.all and...
Just remove/delete the job out of the jobs.yml file and reload the plugin.
I just fixed that bug in 3.1.2. It should be available sometime today.
Config file needs to be rebuilt. Delete your existing one and let a new one build.
How would you like me to help you? You didn't even give me the entire error message that it gave you.
1.3.2 update done.
Its in the works. Just been very busy with work and haven't had a lot of free time to program. It's a tab file. YML doesn't support tabs.
Config.yml file change rejoin_timer: 360 to something less. It's in minutes. Install info
Yep sure thing. If you have errors in the startup look through the startup log and see if there's any errors. If a mod errors out it can break...
It is it, but the whole thing is needed. Also do an action that is suppose to be paid and then look in the the server.log and see if there's an...
It might. Yes the bukkit startup log.
What economy mod do you use? Pastebin your startup log too.
Yeah that error isn't really an error. It just means you haven't done anything like leave a job. Register is like Vault, except it was Vault...
Separate names with a comma.