I am struggling saving a HashMap<Block, Integer> to a file, I know that the block needs to be serialized. Can someone please make an example on...
Ok Thanks alot then! I am using it now! Thanks again! :D
Does this also kick no-name players? Cause thats our server's problem no-name hackers joining! And then you can't kick them or ban them! (so...
Hey, I read somewhere that you are working on a Showcase 2! I have a request add no-lagg support :rolleyes:
Request: Please add: [Public] $1 So if you use the door, it subtracts $1 My brother wants this for some type of shop!
I have a suggestion: Since you can add items with Spout, Could you make a money Model/Item?
Problem this is happening almost everytime I join, [IMG] You can collect thoose diamonds Sorry here is the picture...[ATTACH] EDIT by...
Ok cool.
The multiplayer menu looks better as the default one! can you change it back?
I'm having problems with mobdisgiuse and this awesome plugin! If you disgiuse your self the name tag still shows If you have a skin from a URL...
Really cool, suggestion: its very irritating when its says not enough space for tree, if it could be more specific it would be nice (eg. can't...
Link is dead, when are you going to update to 1000?
I'm also getting what dunst0 is getting but I don't use spot or bukkit contrib i'm using: - Essentials - Bukkit Permissions - Superperms - alot...
Works and all, but this is so irritating: [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_BREAK to UltimateFist java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:...
Thanks CaiusTSM, here is the link: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-self-planting-v1-1-self-planting-plants-953.26709/
Separate names with a comma.