Hi, I have got problem with sending string with diacritics to chat from plugin. But from player to chats it is working ok. I mean string like this...
Use this code. I think it will solve your solution. foreach($getLatestConsoleLogsWithLimit['success'] as $success) { if...
Nice work ;) I just updated my function for PHP by your db. function translateMCColors($text) { $dictionary = array( '[30;22m' =>...
I got it ;) there is my result if will be someone interested of this topic ;) >> function translateMCColors($text) { $dictionary = array(...
This page do not contains any of these codes it is unix codes for linux or mac and in console output im not able to se MC color codes ...
Yes every color got it's own color code. Yes will must do that by this way.
No it not possible because in output of console log are just these unix colors
For translation colors from unix console to hexcolors on the website GUI
Yes this colors but in unix codes like is this one "[0;37;22m"
Hi, I need color list of bukkit colors in console like "[0;37;22m" these colors are like unix colors but i can't find the list with these color...
Ok thanks I got it ;)
Hi there, how can I generate log file to the plugin folder ? But I need all logs in one file and write logs on event. Like this: public void...
Ok thank you ;)
Hi, how can I sort players array by 0-9 & A-z final Player[] onPlayers = serverGT.getOnlinePlayers(); ... For use in for(int i = 0; i <...
Hi, how can i run void asynchronously ?? private String getText(String preURL) { try { URL url = new URL(preURL);...
Separate names with a comma.