I'm sure I remember this being covered before and a solution found easily, but I have long forgotten how lol. Basically on my server (bukkit...
I'm over the moon this thing still works on bk1060 / 1.7.3 But as above we cant expect it to work forever without attention. Does anyone know of...
Quick problem here. Every time I enable Spout on my server it crashes during /reloadall (plugin reload) and on server startup, and noone can...
This auto downloads spout which crashes my server (havent figured out why yet). Would be nice if there was a warning :p
Can someone please post a picture of working msg signs? Need to make sure I have the syntax 100% correct. I assuem I have cause now it complains...
I will look in to it in a few hours. Thnx bud. I found this one yesterday after MUCH searching:...
Seriously bud, anything we can do to help get messages working would be fine. It's the one thing I really need on the server atm :)
I guess noone knows :( Wow I guess I'm not the only one who needs this: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/req-redstone-message.6488/...
Quick bump
Is there a way to disable every part of the addon bar the ones I'm after? Just been checking their lists: Minecart dispensers *not yet ported*...
Yeah I'm dying for the first one just as a standalone. Some nice little bit of easy coding for someone lol. I just need it in combo with another...
Yeah but it has other features you cant disable which cause problems with our minecart system
I've managed to do many things I never thought possible on my server thanks to bukkit and am greatly appreciative of this ofc! But now I'm 2...
No matter what I try I cant get the messages to work :(
Separate names with a comma.