I have no idea what that means. I also don't know how to code, I'm looking for either a simple fix, or if thats not possible a step by step fix...
Is it possible to customize the message given to players when they're promoted/demoted? The config file only allows enabling and disabling the...
Well apparently I wasn't. Problem seems to be fixed, thanks for the help :)
Hey there, I'm trying to allocate more RAM to my Bukkit server on my home computer but I'm having some issues, here's my computer specs, my run...
Well this is terrible news, hopefully this won't spell the end of the Bukkit we know and love but I have a feeling it will :(
I guess I'll just have to cut my losses and do that to every 'infected' region :\ Thanks for the help!
I tried starting the server, without loading the effected world, and then killing all the entities from console. I hasn't been working but it may...
Sorry for the delay, I realize now that this wasn't a "Watched Thread'. Here is the crash report you asked for, I'm going to try and get a /seen...
So sometime yesterday my server crashes for some sundown reason and ever since the crash I cant start the server.. Well I can start it and...
Found and fixed, thanks for the help :)
Updated PEX, problem persists :O
I'm pretty sure something with PEX is causing it, but my server has been acting really funky lately and I could use some help as I'm clueless when...
Thanks! I believe that its all fixed now. Thread Solved.
Where am I supposed to delete it from.. this is my bat file: java -Xms1024M -Xmx3072M -jar ONI.jar
I'm trying to run my server with more RAM and I have the bat file set up to do so, but when I start it up it never runs anymore then 1GB of RAM. I...
Separate names with a comma.