Hi there. I haven't heard back from you in awhile. How is the project coming along?
No problem.
Any status on the updates yet? Many thanks!
Should I have requested that this thread should be moved out of the archived section?
I am not asking anyone to recreate paid resources. I am just using that image as an example of what I want the title message to look like (it...
Hello! I have recently installed Bling's Homing arrows plugin and I really like the concept of arrows that guide themselves to their target. What...
Hello everyone! I have recently been looking around for a plugin that displays a message like this one...
Good idea! So like a required permission node to join the server in Lockdown mode?
Okay no problem! Thank you!
Please note the word example (you don't have to follow an example). Also if you look at the name of that thread you will see that it is named...
Sorry about that. I mean't lockdown. Thanks!
I am having an issue were I want the players to be kicked but the server to stay online when they are kicked. I don't want it to shutdown, I only...
SyTeck Sorry for the late reply. I will try it out! Thank you very much! The plugin is good but I would like to suggest a few more things:...
Separate names with a comma.