EnderPilot105 The == compares if two objects are exactly the same (the same instance). You create an itemstack object called "snow" in your...
Use this instead: public void onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent event) { if (event.getEntityType() == EntityType.ZOMBIE) {...
ChrisStarr32 The thing you're searching for is called Scheduler Programming.
It will still work in 1.7.2+ Just the documentation page I gave you was for version 1.6.4, but you can find all these things in the 1.7.2...
Why is this the only Inventory not implemented in the BukkitAPI? :confused: All other inventories work just fine :c Might be something that...
Look at the PlayerDeathEvent and at getKiller() from LivingEntity of which Player is a sub-class.
Sorry, but maybe someone else could help here? drtshock
1) You should use a static HashMap in your scenario. 2) Your error is a result of a non-existent entry inside the HashMap or a non-initialized...
It's because I put the check in front of every sub-command. // This is inside the main plugin class public boolean onCommand(CommandSender...
XgXXSnipz And here is the complete usage guide: MoneyAPI needs a FileConfiguration to work properly, or else it will spam NullPointerExceptions....
XgXXSnipz Are you kidding me? Stop. Opening. New. Topics. Here is the complete code again (hopefully the last time). MoneyAPI: import...
'n ima tolde ya u nedz 2 use goooggl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!one1!!
Maybe something like this? List<String> playerNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Player player : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayer()) {...
DisguiseCraft doesn't allow to disguise as a static block, that's why I linked you to the other plugin. For any other disguise than static blocks...
Go bury yourself, please. This is a PLUGIN DEVELOPMENT forum and I just gave you a link to an API which you can use for your project, after 10...
Separate names with a comma.