Can you Make a New Plugin "AntiMe" :D
Can you disable /me ?
THX for this Plugin :)) Can you Add /me ?
MyGerman Traslation for ChestShop 3/Beta 6! prefix: "&a[Shop] &f" iteminfo: "&aItem Information:&f" options: "&aVerfuegbare Optionen: "...
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You!
Oh. Old MyHome and Old LogBlock.jar Hey Its Works Thx. (Sry for Bad Englisch German Kid)
Can you Updating this Plugin for Permissions 3.1.5b ?
Where is the download link?
@flames why ?
PLS Update for Permissions 3.1.5b!!!
Promote Command for GlobalUser.txt ?
i Like
Can I change the port 8107 to 80 or 8000 ? P.S. My server IP has a different server also: /
i Like This Plugin PLS Update!
Separate names with a comma.