1.6 is out, you could maybe get that nether portal transition going :D
I want to be able to fly around on my server without being kicked, but normal players kicked for flying... I need this so I can mess with...
So, how much players would 0.94 MBPS upload handle? I've had up to 11 players out of 20 with no trouble...
Awesome plugin! I'm using it for my server right now and I'm loving it! Its been so annoying when my wolf never teleported to me, now I can force...
All I did was add a new rank which was a copy of another rank but with a few more permissions :/
Then I must wait until it does work!
I am using craftbukkit 766 (the latest recommended build) and my permissions aren't working :c Could someone confirm this works with 766?
My default players can't open the chests :/ I have realshop.shop set in their permissions but only shopkeepers and above can open the chests D:...
Yay I'm a champion among gods *abuses AZP's thunder arrow'
Alt + M to enable the mouse, click twice where you want to start the selection, and use the arrow keys to select the rest and then I just use Ctrl...
Since I'm a unix dummy, if I knew how to select a bunch of text (the comments.) to delete them at once without holding anything down I'd use...
Okay, its just I don't like permissions :/ its messy, especially with nano.
I posted about the error before
I really want to use this plugin :C I can't finish my server without it.
Make it possible to choose what light level we lose sanity in :D Also, I'm having a problem. I'm using essentials groupmanager, groupbridge, help...
Separate names with a comma.