Could we get an option in the config to squelch all the server.log messages, please? Great plugin, thanks!
Endermen will stop moving blocks soon anyways (1.9). Why waste time implementing it into a plugin just to remove it a week or two later? :(
@Justink iConomy 6 compatibility is coming in the next version, Phaed posted about it earlier today.
Ah, okay I'll try that sorry. Thank you! I'll post again and let you know what happens. EDIT: Yes, now it's working...THANK YOU!
That's part of the problem actually. Since the config never saves correctly I cannot add the softdepend: line to the config. I have a feeling this...
Not sure if this is because of the current Bukkit 1139 but Creeper Heal is not saving it's config settings. I have to keep adding the new world to...
I'm hoping you will update this to work with fence gates. I really enjoy this plugin, thank you for your time and effort!
I sure hope so. I really don't want to use/learn WorldGuard. Thank you for doing that research for me, Phaed.
Phaed, I've just now noticed that people can bypass all protections with the use of any of World Edit's commands (// super pickaxe, //replace,...
So could this eventually be integrated with the Curse Client and their auto-updater? Many people use this for WoW addons and the like...if this...
I cannot seem to make iron doors (330) work as unbreakable unbreakable-blocks: - 330 That's what I have for unbreakable in my config but when...
@Dark_Balor Thank you very much!
Could we get a config option to toggle the disabled command spam in the server.log? Really inflates the log if you have to frequently restart....
I freaking love you.
Thanks for that. I will fix it on my end since I'm using only global configs. ...Just set per world Permissions with Permissions 3.15 and...
Separate names with a comma.